Court of Dragons - BoringLab - 原神 (2024)

A soft buzz of chatter echoed through the Opera Epiclese as a young man bellowed out in a plea for his innocence. Though the evidence against him was mounting, he still vehemently denied his connection to the case. The way he fiercely defended his integrity would be almost awe-inspiring if not for the fact that the evidence presented by his accuser placed him squarely at the crime scene and as one of the main perpetrators.

The man was fighting a losing battle. Neuvillette could only begrudgingly sigh as the man stammered on. Court rules denote that the prosecuted must be allowed to tell their recount of events in full. There was nothing Neuvillette could do to hasten the man's words as he meticulously went through his day piece by piece.

Neuvillette normally had no problem with sitting through the occasionally long rants. His patience never wore thin and it was beneficial in getting more information from said party.

But today, today was different. He couldn't quite put his finger on just what was different, but it was off. From the moment he awoke till the current moment, a warm, restless unease drummed beneath his skin. It put him on edge. Was this a sign that something bad was going to descend upon Fontaine? Had something happened to the melusines?-

Neuvillette was swiftly dragged from his train of thought as the prosecuted's rambling finally came to a close.

"If there are no further words from both parties, we will now await the judgement from the Oratrice Mechanique d'Analyse Cardinale."

The court fell into a brief silence as the Oratrice whirred to life. Its mechanics ticked away as it delivered its judgement in the form of a small slip of paper that presented itself upon Iudex's perch.

"The Oratrice Mechanique d'Analyse Ordinale has declared mister Lawrence Beaumont guilty of one count of breaking and entering and one count of armed robbery." The man's 'innocently accused' persona immediately fell upon hearing the sentence. In lieu of his previous behaviour, he fell into a fit of hysterics. Oscillating between cursing and pleading as he was dragged away by Guards.

"Mr Beaumont, I implore you to stop resisting arrest lest you add another charge to your sentence", at the sound of Neuvillette's underlying threat, the man finally relented and let himself be escorted out the court in a feeble silence.

Neuvillette cleared his throat as he turned to face the audience of the Opera Epiclese once more. "This concludes our court hearings for today. Ladies and Gentlemen, the court is formally dismissed."

On a normal day, Neuvillette would be the last person to leave the Opera Epiclese to ensure that there was no tampering within the court. Yes, that was formally the Gardes job but he liked being thorough. Today was not a normal day. The moment Neuvillette finished uttering those words he rose from his seat and began making his way out of the court. He did not care if the audience found it as weird. The restlessness under his skin was only increasing its tempo.

Neuvillette's haste allowed him to be the first passenger of the Navia Line Aquabus. Elphane gave him a confused look but nonetheless began the return trip to the Court of Fontaine. Neuvillette was glad that the melusine set off with no inquires, her calm and moon-like demeanour left them in a serene silence. Neuvillette appreciated that fact, especially in times like this when he was barely keeping his composure intact.

Neuvillette could feel his body temperature rise ever so gradually with each passing moment that he spent on the Aquabus. It was by pure luck that Elphane preferred to gaze out onto the passing scenery rather than focus her sights on Neuvillette.

The duration of the ride was far too long for Neuvillette's patience. The ten-minute journey, which normally seemed too short for his tastes, seemed all too drawn out now. By the time the Aquabus had docked, he was standing on shaky legs as he bid his goodbye to Elphane.

The journey to the elevator and further to the Palais Memornia consisted of Neuvillette having to take breaks every so often lest his legs gave out on him. From the average outsider's perspective, it just looked like the Chief Justice was basking in the views of Fontaine's City.

The moment Neuvillette made it within the boundaries of his office, he nearly collapsed into his desk chair.

The warmth simmering under his skin reached a boiling point, pooling in the depths of his gut. His clothes stuck to his skin and his breaths were more than ragged now. Safe to say the Judge's uncomfortability was at an all-time high.

Neuvillette all but slumped into his chair, his legs revelling in not having to uphold his weight any longer. He still had much work to do for the day. Writing reports regarding court proceedings, signing official documents and court legislations, approving and scheduling court hearings, and more. He had no time to waste. Yet, the exhaustion coddling his consciousness begged to differ.

Logically, knowing that he was feeling so positively horrible, he should take a rest. 'Yes, a little ten-minute nap wouldn't hurt', was the last thought circulating in his mind as his head dropped to rest on his arms.


Neuvillette so desperately wished to remain in his peaceful slumber as his body so demanded, but alas, he had work to do and his body was getting far too hot to continue sleeping comfortably, along with the gentle voice calling his name.

Wait...voice...calling his name?

Neuvillette's eyes snapped open as he wrestled himself into an upright position. His body severely disagreed with this decision as his temperature only rose and a wave of nausea washed over him. Even so, he pushed through as his eyes sought the owner of the voice.

Gazing back at him were amber-laden eyes, flecked with speckles of gold, a soft look in them.

It took a few moments for Neuvillette's mind to assign a name to the face that was currently staring back at him. It was none other than Morax. The same Morax who was once an old acquaintance. The same Morax who developed into a friend. The same Morax who he had scheduled a meeting with, today.

Neuvillette shot up to his feet.

"Ah, Morax, I apologise for my unkempt appearance-"

A gentle pair of hands rooted him back to his chair. A confused look only had a few moments to settle on Neuvillette's face before a smooth voice began.

"You need not bother yourself with formalities Neuvillette, we are friends of a bygone era, long dissipated. I insist you use my common name, Zhongli", a soft smile graced his features as he leant back from towering over Neuvillette's desk.

However, the smile did not last long, being replaced by a concerned frown.

"Neuvillette, your face is heavily flushed. Are you perhaps ill?" There was a deeper layer to Morax- Zhongli's words, but Neuvillette's mind was far too muddled to even begin deciphering just what it was.

"Ah, I've seemed to have come down with some sort of bug. I deeply apologise that my poor constitution has inconvenienced our meeting-"

A cool hand pressed against his forehand brought a halt to Neuvillette's thoughts. He unconsciously leant into it as something deep within him keened at the contact. That same thing whined when the hand pulled away.

"Hm, it seems my suspicions were correct", the soft chuckle that danced out of Zhongli's mouth was indeed pretty, yes, but it was directed at him, or rather, at his condition. He was, just a little bit offended. It must have shown on his face as the other man quickly mumbled an "Apologies". Though, if you were to ask Neuvillette, he didn't mean it, if the smile he was still wearing was any clue.

"Neuvillette, pardon the intrusive question but do you remember the last instance of your mating cycle?"

Neuvillette's response would have normally been a stark defensive stance due to the personal question but he was more confused than anything.

His mating cycle had not run its course in years. What did that have to do with his current predicament?

"My cycle has not happened for centuries. How is it related?" Neuvillette tilted his head in confusion.

"Neuvillette, what are your usual symptoms during your cycle?"

"Although it has been some time, I do believe that they were nausea, increased libido, vertigo, cramping-", it finally clicked. His cycle had started anew. The 'what' he was afflicted with was answered. The new question is 'why' his cycle suddenly decided to begin now after so many years of being absent.

Though, he was not given the chance to deliberate an answer as the aforementioned cramps grappled his abdomen, sending him doubling over. The pain had his breath hitching and his vision spinning.

A pair of strong arms did not sit idle at the sight of his misery, they rested themselves upon his shoulders and hoisted him upwards, preventing his skull from slamming against the desk. Instead, they pulled him into the body of Zhongli. Neuvillette readily buried his face into the funeral consultant's abdomen and gripped onto the man as if his life depended on it. The proximity to another as well as Zhongli's own pulsing Geo energy soothed his nerves somewhat.

The cramps persisted for another minute or so before deeming the assault on Neuvillette enough and receding from whence they came. Neuvillette's arms all but sagged as his muscles went lax. Only then did he register the gentle hands carding through his hair, mindful of his antenna.

"Neuvillette, has the pain subsided yet?" Neuvillette could only give a half-hearted nod.

"Would you like me to escort you home? I don't think you are in a suitable condition to continue working."

Neuvillette's instincts jumped at the prospect of being in his own abode while his mating cycle wrecked him. The more logical part of his mind bullied its way through to the front to point out a very crucial fact. If the populous of Fontaine managed to glimpse the sight of the Iudex stumbling over his feet while draped over a foreigner, what rumours would spread like moths to a flame? Would they doubt his authority? Would they see him as weak? Would they see it as an opportunity to overthrow his position and instate a new judge of Fontaine?

Logically he knew (hoped) that that would not happen, but the doubts still brewed.

Neuvillette withdrew from the contact, craning his head to look up at Zhongli.

"I am grateful for the offer Zhongli, but I believe that we should wait until dusk fully ambles out into nightfall. Lest the Fontaine people catch a glimpse of this 'situation' and begin concocting numerous rumours", the nod he received in response somewhat cooled his jittery nerves.

Though it did naught to sooth the pit of molten nestled within his gut that was slowly but surely developing into something more. Just what exactly? That he did not know.

Nevertheless, he was going to take advantage of the grace period he had.


Said task proved to be an arduous one.

The heat that simmered within his gut never faltered. In truth, he never expected it to, but that did not diminish the levels of uncomfortability he wrestled with. And of course, those wretched cramps made themselves very known several times over, ceasing his workflow more times than he could count. Often leaving him hunched over his desk grabbing for purchase like a lost child.

The cramps so thoroughly wrung through Neuvillette that poor Zhongli had to scoot his chair closer from where he was reading an idle book just so that their increased proximity could trigger a soothing resonance.

Neuvillette disliked disturbing Zhongli so, but he was in no position to decline his help when he himself was handling these cramps as well as a wild boar when frightened.

"Would allowing a few of your draconic features to show through potentially alleviate some of its intensity?" The inquiry from Zhongli caused Neuvillette to peer over at him from his position of having his forehead kissing his desk.

Zhongli himself had already allowed his draconic features to emerge. A pair of long golden horns were rooted to his head, its appearance almost honey-like in colour. The amber eyes that cast him a fleeting look resembled that of molten Cor Lapis under a blacksmith's watch. A rich hickory brown tail sat idly as it trailed from the base of Zhongli's spine to rest along the dorsum of his shoes. Its golden spines dotted along the tail till it converged at the peak to meet a curly tuft of golden hair that Neuvillette would dare to call cloud-like.

Said Hickory coloured tail coiling around his own dragged Neuvillette from his reverie (When had his own tail emerged?).

"Dusk fell a few hours ago. The crickets have long since begun chirping, I'm sure that most residents of Fontaine have returned to their abodes. I believe it is high time that you do the same Neuvillette, especially as the cusp of your pre-heat approaches rapidly", Zhongli closed the book he was reading and placed it on Neuvillette's desk, bringing his gaze to catch the other's.

Zhongli was correct. Neuvillette himself could feel the warmth within his gut begin to ignite itself once more. He could inherently feel that once this bout of heat alights, it would not extinguish till it was satiated.

"Hm, yes, I believe you are correct Zhongli. It is best we depart now so as to waste as little time-", the Iudex's legs promptly decided to fail him. Their jelly-like feeling nearly sent Neuvillette careening over onto his desk, only the instinctual movement of his arms saved him from face-planting.

His gaze darted over to Zhongli, who was frozen in half action, hands outstretched as if ready to catch Neuvillette if needed. His chair was strewn on the floor behind him.

"It seems that your cycle demands to start presently instead of when you're within the walls of your home", Zhongli near mumbled as he paced closer to Neuvillette.

The Hydro Dragon was close to trembling. The cavern of warmth that occupied his gut had been ignited, tumbling into a pit of molten, like a pile of hardwood, slowly being charred, its peak ever imminent.

Neuvillette knew his face was most likely flushed red, but that was the least of his worries right now.

"Zhongli, it is imperative we leave immediately", Neuvillette bearly managed to mumble out. His sight entirely focused on the hardwood of his desk as the majority of his mental faculties were focused on not succumbing to the scalding heat ravaging his gut.

Zhongli offered no more than an acknowledging hum. "The quickest way for us to travel to your abode would be with you on my back, are you opposed?"

A quick head shake from the Iudex was the confirmation the funeral consultant needed as he swiftly herded Neuvillette onto his back, the Hydro dragon instinctively locking his legs and arms around the other's waist and neck respectively.

"It may be a bit late to ask this but where is your home located?"

"...Edge of Fontaine City...near-", Neuvillette's voice trailed on as it petered out to near silence. Nonetheless, Zhongli got the address down. With a small huff, he adjusted his hold on Neuvillette and turned to walk out of the Judge's office.

The excessive heat radiating from the Hydro dragon's body was a constant reminder of the impending consequence lest he reach the Judge's abode in time. For smoother travel and to lessen the chances of being spotted, Zhongli stuck to the rooftops of residents. Bouncing across the ridges and creating geo constructs when needed hastened their journey.

Every jostle from Zhongli had Neuvillette squirming. It only seemed to aggravate the heat pooling in his stomach, urging it to burn faster. It caused his fangs to elongate and venom and saliva to pool in his mouth. He itched to latch on to something, to get rid of the excess fluid building up.

As if sensing his plight, the ex-archon stopped for a moment and pulled down his collar, "Bite, I don't mind", had Neuvillette been in his right mind he would have protested, but the ache within his teeth was driving him up a wall.

Without a second thought, he sank his fangs into Zhongli's skin. The funeral consultant did little more than quietly hiss as his muscles involuntarily tensed at the sudden intrusion.

The judge was racked with a full-body shiver as the ache within his gums dissipated into soft relief. As each drop of the venomated saliva emptied out of his fangs, his body went more and more pliant.

His consciousness was quickly lulled into a dreamless slumber as if to preserve what little energy he had remaining for the unrelenting torrent that would soon be upon him.


When Neuvillette came too once again, it was within a puddle of his own sweat. It left his skin riddled with goosebumps as his clothes uncomfortably clung to his skin. Peeling his eyes open, he was greeted by an ever-so-familiar white ceiling. One that he had woken up to just that morning.

A small attempt to move his limbs confirmed his suspicions, he was in a bed, specifically his bed. Shakily, he propped himself up to further survey the room. It was indeed his room, looking just the way he left it earlier that morning. Glancing down towards himself, he came to find that he had been stripped of his judicial robes, shoes and gaiters, leaving him in his poet's blouse and slacks. His skin was still warm to the touch, though he was no longer boiling within his own body.

Movement at the entrance of his room drew his attention. Walking into the room was Zhongli, a towel in hand.

“I see you've awakened. How are you fairing?” Zhongli moved closer, bringing the back of his hand to Neuvillette's temples. “Your fever has diminished somewhat.”


“You were running fairly warm. I had left to replace this towel”, Neuvillette gently took the towel and draped it around his neck. The cool touch of the towel was a relief to his skin.

The coolness allowed him a moment of reprieve that his mind so desperately needed. Looking back at the contents of his day, he was loath to acknowledge that it was due to his own ignorance in regard to his own heritage that led to his cycle “sneaking up” upon him.

But alas, the moment had already passed. There was no use in getting any degree of miffed about the situation. The best course of action would be to learn from this situation.

The judge shook his head slowly as he brought the cool towel to caress his cheek. It was much too tedious to dwell on in his current state. He was glad to be within the walls of his own abode.

Just how did he get home?

He recalls Zhongli offering to take him home. But how did the man get inside? Neuvillette was diligent in securing his abode every time he departed. Lest some nosey reporters locate his address and decide that their next big headline would consist of nitpicking every little unique trinket and artefact that he possessed. He turned to Zhongli who had now seated himself on the bed.

“Zhongli– how did you make it into my home? Was the door not locked?” Said man's face donned a confused expression before a look of understanding flashed in his eyes.

“Ah, you must've been in a daze then”, Zhongli's eyes crinkled in mirth,” When we reached your abode, I too wondered how I was to get inside your home. It was like you could feel my blight and awoke, though I suppose it's more accurate to say you were in a daze. You told me to search your judicial robes for your key, and find it I did.” The ex-archon leant back on his palms, his head lolling to rest on his shoulder as his eyes drifted close.

“I brought you inside, laid you on your bed and went to fetch a cloth to try and cool you down. I've been performing the same task for the past two hours.”

He had been asleep for two hours? Why had his–

“Why has my cycle not commenced?” The ex-archon's head tilted to him, fawn-coloured eyelids cracked open to reveal those amber eyes.

“It's widely known that sleeping is an effective way to stave off a dragon's reproductive cycle-

-Ah, it was not my intention to assume your knowledge, my apologies if I have offended you”, the funeral consultant slightly bowed his head, to which Neuvillette shook his own head.

“No offense taken. In fact, I'm grateful to you. If it weren't for your generous descriptions in our letters, I would be more oblivious to the history and doings of my own species”, Neuvillette's fingers twined within his hair. Zhongli hummed.

"How do you plan to deal with your cycle? Do you have someone to endure it with?" Zhongli moved to collect the near-dry towel from Neuvillette.

Said question nearly floored the poor Judge. He hadn't stopped to think about specifics. His mind has been solely occupied with dealing with the so-called "preheat" to his cycle.

"It's been centuries since my last cycle. I've had no need to set up a contactable acquaintance for this issue", he slumped forward to support his head in his hands.

Zhongli hummed, pausing at the room door.

"Before you let the thought fester in your mind. I do not recommend riding out your cycle alone. As you've said, this will be your first in centuries. It is more than likely going to hit you hard."

Neuvillette remained quiet as Zhongli left the room.

His strive to not form any personal relationships aided in promoting his stance as the truly neutral party of Fontaine's Court, but now it proved to be a double-edged sword. Other than his dear melusines, he had little to no relationships. It was out of the question to ask Lady Furina to help him. The woman already had enough on her plate (He was not obtuse to the distant and forlorn looks she often cast when she thought he was not present).

Wriothesley was also not an option. Yes, he had formed a ‘close’ relationship with the man if one would consider their tea time during the Duke's monthly reports an ‘intimate’ time. Truly, their relationship was one within the bounds of pure professionality saddled by their occasional tea breaks. Additionally, the man was unaware of his true identity as the Hydro Sovereign. Neuvillette trusted the man but this secret was a truly delicate one not destined for mere work colleagues.

This left him with Zhongli. Neuvillette did not wish to burden the man more than he already had, but he was the most logical choice. He was already vividly aware of Neuvillette's identity, being a dragon himself, and had far more knowledge about their species than he could.

Zhongli truly was the most optimal choice. The real question was whether or not the man would be okay with assisting Neuvillette. Would it not be inappropriate to ask him for a favour of this nature? Were they close enough for something like this?

Their relationship was an ambiguous one. Bordering on friendship and something else.

Neuvillette could only groan as he dragged his hand down his face. He had so much to think about and such little time to think.

He straightened his spine when he heard Zhongli cross back through the threshold of the room. The longer he lets his thoughts simmer, the more they would drive him up a wall.

His gaze rose to meet Zhongli's.

“Zhongli”, said man hummed as he approached Neuvillette.

“May I bother you with quite a steep request?” Zhongli came to a halt, giving him a small nod.

“Would you be opposed to helping me through my cycle?”

A pregnant pause permeated the room. Hot embarrassment flushed across his face and urged him to avert his gaze, but his pride kept their gazes locked.

A small sigh escaped Zhongli's lips. “My paid leave lasts for another twenty-one days. I have more than enough time to spare, wouldn't you agree?”

The look Zhongli cast him warmed the molten within Neuvillette's gut.

Zhongli made his way over to Neuvillette, encircling the towel around his neck. “From what I recall, it is best that you consume something before your cycle fully sets in. It will be unrelenting and unforgiving, your moments of reprieve will be spent resting to regain energy. There will be no time to eat, so I suggest you do so now.”

Neuvillette could only nod in response. He knew heats were intense but to that degree? He was in for a rough time.

“Is there anything that you think you can stomach-”

“As the Hydro Sovereign, I am more than capable of surviving off of water alone-”, the stab of a slightly sharpened nail silenced the Sovereign.

“I meant it when I said this cycle was going to hit you hard. Your energy is going to be drained every moment it's in full swing. You need to eat something filling that will help you recover your energy. So let me ask again, is there anything that you think you could stomach that is not water?”

Neuvillette let out a defeated sigh. He wanted to protest the Ex-Archon's words but the man spoke nothing but truth.

“I guess some soup is adequate, its constituent is mostly water nonetheless,”

Neuvillette begrudgingly murmurs.

Zhongli smiled as he turned to walk out of the room once more. “Try to get some more rest. I'll wake you up when the soup is ready.”

Neuvillette could only sigh to himself as he watched the other man depart. All he could do was abide by Zhongli's advice. He promptly flopped back down into his bed, crawling into the centre and curling into the fetal position.


A white tail flicked idly as its mirror reflection mimicked it smoothly. Neuvillette stared intently at the small movement. He rarely if ever spent a moment properly looking at his draconic features. Allowing his gaze to linger on the vivid scales, he couldn’t help but find them beautiful. The white shifting and glittering into a silver and grey hue as it climbed his tail was near mesmerising.

The soft pulsing azure blue light refracted from his rhinophores made his tail seem almost shimmery. As the only light source within the onyx expanse he found himself in, his eyes could not help but drift to his rhinophores within the mirror’s reflection. His hands moved to plant a gentle touch along them.

The rhinophores were the only part of his draconic features that he allowed to remain constantly present. They tuned him more into the element of Hydro and he would be a fool to conceal them just to align his appearance to that of a more human one.

His hands trailed along the sensory organ, its velvety texture delicate under his fingers. Its hypersensitivity ever helpful and inconvenient.

A gentle pressure on his forehead drew him from his thoughts. Blinking, his gaze focused on the hand pressed on his forehead. Ah, he had been dreaming.

“Hm, your temperature has risen. It seems your cycle is upon the cusp of starting. It is best you eat now.”

At the mention of it, Neuvillette did indeed feel rather warm. In fact, his layers felt all too suffocating.

“Worry about your clothes later. Your main focus should be drinking some of the soup”, Zhongli pried Neuvillette's hand from the grasp it held on his shirt. When had he gripped his shirt? He was none the wiser.

Neuvillette shakily sat up as Zhongli laid a standing tray across his lap. A warm bowl of chicken noodle soup was placed on it moments later.

Taking the spoon offered by the man, Neuvillette slowly began to take spoonfuls of the soup. The broth was smooth and the texture not unpleasant. Its flavour strong but not overwhelming. Typically he'd hate a broth so flavourful, but strangely he found himself not opposed. Craving it would be more accurate. The chunks of vegetables and chicken were satisfying to chew.

Before long he had emptied the bowl. A glance over to Zhongli confirmed that the man had done the same.

Neuvillette moved to collect both bowls. He would feel bad having the ex-archon do everything just because his cycle was impending. Though, it seems his move was vetoed when Zhongli's tail pressed him back down into the mattress.

“Don't exert yourself unnecessarily,” he chided as he gathered their bowls and paced out of the room. Neuvillette stared dumbly for a moment. Instinctually, he felt he should feel offended at being denied a chance to help out in his own home. The logical part of his brain swiftly stomped that thought out. Zhongli was right, if his cycle was going to be as bad as the other claimed then each sliver of energy he had would be precious.

Therefore, he unceremoniously flopped back down into his bed. Tail twining with his legs as he pulled one of his pillows closer. He believed Zhongli's words full-heartedly. The man was more experienced than him by several yards. But, even so, he could not tamp out the small voice in his head that chimed ‘How bad could it be?’

Said voice was graced with its answer when he felt himself get acutely warmer. Warm was an understatement. He felt positively hot, boiling. Sweat condensed on his skin, rolling down his skin to saturate his bedspread. Shivers racked his entire form. And the cramps, by the sovereigns, the cramps. The cramps that racked him earlier were nothing but child's play compared to what rippled through him at current. He felt them build, his abdominal muscles began to twist and contort, and he could do nothing to halt it. The muscles so tense that the pain it preluded had him gasping. His gut was a spring that had twisted far beyond its limits and yet would not snap. It was a bomb primed to light but would not blow no matter how much the fuse nestled within the gunpowder. Magma could not compare to the intensity of the heat that bubbled within him.

His fangs elongated once more and saliva pooled in his mouth. His tail flicked and writhed as he gripped onto his sheets with all that he could muster. A whimper fell from his lips as the pain pulsed within him. Panic rolled around the edges of his mind. He had never endured a pain so brutal barring flashes of memories from a life felled so long ago.

He conjured up a ball of hydro and willed it to drag across his body in hopes of cooling him ever so slightly. Its effort was in vain and opposite to its intention. Every inch of skin that it caressed seemed to burn hotter as if to fight against the cool liquid. He dispersed the ball at once, where to, he did not know and did not care (the damp spot on his wall would greet him jubilant when his senses returned). He curled further into himself, coiling his tail so that he could dig his nails into it.

He was so wrapped up in the throes of his pain that his ears were deaf to the footsteps that re-entered the room. The hand that pressed against his forehead was relieving, cool against his skin.

“It seems we did not have an extra few hours as I had hoped,” the voice murmured, no, Zhongli's voice murmured. Its tone, a balm to his aches, allowed him to focus for just a moment. Blindly, he reaches out to the hand, Zhongli meets him halfway, palm cradling Neuvillette's.

A deep-seated want blossomed in his depths. Receiving and fueling the furnace that was his body. It nestled beneath his navel as the want it bred festered, aching so harsh that it could only be described as a need, a primal hunger birthed within. He knew not what he hungered for, but, instinctually he felt that Zhongli could provide (the other had agreed to help him through this mess hadn't he?)

Zhongli let go of his hand in favour of bringing their foreheads to touch.

“This is your first cycle in far too long. I will not be harsh, I will not ravish you. I will only do as you desire,” those amber eyes hummed with power as they bored into his. “What do you desire, Neuvillette?” Zhongli murmured, gaze focused solely on Neuvillette.

What he desired? He was unsure. The hunger desired to be satiated and he knew nothing of what would satisfy it. So he uttered the first thing that came to his mind.

“A kiss, I hunger for a kiss,” he mumbled as his body squirmed against his doing. The proximity was soothing but warmed his skin even further. His hands mindlessly clawed at his shirt. He felt as if he was boiling within his own skin.

Lips against his scattered his thoughts. They were soft, firm and oh, so intoxicating. Neuvillette whimpered, back arching and jaw falling open even more. Zhongli pushed his tongue into Neuvillette's mouth and he welcomed it. Its draconic length and texture had him writhing as it licked into his mouth. A muffled groan tumbled from his lips.

His hands were pushed away from his shirt, Zhongli's, taking their place and smoothly undoing the buttons that were causing him trouble. Embarrassment would've been licking at his heels if it were not for the slender fingers that thumbed his nipples. Neuvillette broke the kiss with a keening gasp as pleasure began to blossom within him. It was fulfilling, but nowhere near enough. It was as if that small inkling unearthed a winding cavern and it would not be satiated so easily.

“More, I need more, please,” pleaded Neuvillette, his hips grinding up into Zhongli's. The other chuckled lowly before descending. Zhongli ghosted his lips over his nipples, pressing open mouth kisses to them before continuing. His fingers gently trailed down Neuvillette's sides. Neuvillette could only squirm at the action as those fingers left trails of fire in their wake. Those hands lingered at the small symbol of hydro below his navel that pulsed in steadily but ultimately continued their descent.

Zhongli's hands paused at the waistband of his slacks, eyes darting up to catch Neuvillette's, as if to ask for permission. As if Neuvillette would deny him. An impatient groan was his response and Zhongli delayed no further.

Zhongli manoeuvred Neuvillette efficiently and swiftly to free him of his slacks. His boxers came off in the same movement. Both articles of clothing were discarded somewhere off the bed.

The sight that greeted Zhongli had a soft blush spreading on his cheeks and his tail coiling in on itself. Zhongli knew of the biological differences when it came to the different types of dragons. He knew that some dragons were unisexual like himself and he knew that others were hermaphrodites.

He was not unaware that Neuvillette was an aforementioned hermaphrodite, quite the contrary. In their frequent letters, he had urged Neuvillette to express his inquiries no matter how embarrassing he deemed them. Hence, they ended up discussing his lack of the typical external male and female sexual organs to which they deduced that he was indeed a hermaphrodite with internal sex organs. So Zhongli was expecting it. But to see it in person was another thing. He himself had not laid with someone of a hermaphrodite nature. He had only heard about it through anecdotes.

So it was safe to say that this was a new experience for both him and Neuvillette. The bucking of Neuvillette's hips drew him from his thoughts.

“Pardon my lack of action Neuvillette, I was simply…mesmerised”, the words had Neuvillette's face lighting ablaze and he could feel himself getting wetter down there. He brought his hands to cover his face and blushed like a maiden as he could feel Zhongli prodding at his vent.

He could not see Zhongli's ministrations but he could certainly feel them. He nearly jumped out of his skin when a tongue breached his folds and lingered before flicking back out. “Palatable like the water carried by a river bed accompanied by the freshness of mint leaves,” murmured the ex-archon. Neuvillette tilted his head at the odd comment and was about to inquire when that tongue returned and delved deeper. A muffled groan tumbled from his lips as Zhongli’s tongue licked into him, coiling and pumping itself further and further into him. On instinct, his legs tried to close around the other’s head but strong hands levered them back open. And for some reason, the act made his vent gush with more liquid (‘slick’ his mind provided). Zhongli’s tongue began to retreat and Neuvillette nearly whined at the loss of stimulation.

“If I recall,” started Zhongli, face rising from between Neuvillette’s thighs (the sight an embarrassingly arousing one indeed). “You had mentioned in our letters that this—” his fingers danced around the mark of hydro,”—symbol proved to be a source of extra sensitivity. Correct?” Zhongli inquired, gaze meeting Neuvilette’s. And dear, the sight had Neuvillette entranced. Zhongli's face was thoroughly flushed and his chest heaved. Slick clung to his lips and trailed down his face as if trying to escape; attempt foiled by that sinful tongue licking up each and every drop before retreating into Zhongli’s mouth. Something deep and primal within him crooned with satisfaction at the sight. Though as Zhongli leaned closer with his mouth moving it belatedly occurred to Neuvillette that the other was expecting an answer.

“Yes,” he replied barely above a whisper.

“Let’s test this, shall we?” was the only warning Neuvillette got before Zhongli’s fingers thumbed the hydro mark. At once warmth flooded his system. Yes, heat already gurgled in his gut but this? It extended so much further. From the tips of his fingers to the soles of his feet. Bliss burned along his nerves and he could feel ecstasy coil within his gut. Like a spring being wound tight till near snapping. But it didn’t snap. A choked moan escaped him in frustration. He didn’t know why but the sheer disappointment of that spring’s refusal to break had him bucking his hips. He needed it to break lest this warmth encompass him whole and burn him from the inside out.

“Zhongli—” a breathless whimper stuttered from his lips as the ex-archon increased the pressure,”—more, I need more, I need-” he didn’t know what but as a fog of incoherency descended upon him he astutely deduced that he needed to figure it out, asap. His hips bucked upward with a grunt. “I need…I need…”

“What do you need Neuvillette? What do you require Iudex, hydro dragon?” Zhongli purred, the low timbre picking at something deep within him.

“I-I don’t know, I-” Neuvillette sobbed, desperation bleeding into his voice,” I need…I- You…I need you…Zhon-” The ex-archon shushed his murmurs, pressing gentle kisses to the side of the Iudex’s face, stunting soft tears. When had he started crying?

“I hear you, Sovereign,” rasped Zhongli as he kissed the corners of Neuvillette’s mouth. The stimulation from the hydro symbol held his full attention so raptly that he nearly missed Zhongli’s other hand snaking its way back down to his vent. Nearly. When two fingers slid into his entrance, aided by the obscene amounts of slick drooling from him, his attention snapped to the intrusion and his hands flew up to grasp at Zhongli’s shirt (why was the consultant still mostly dressed?). They were smaller than his tongue but more firm, rigid. While he felt less full (when had he become concerned with feeling full?) the more rigid structure provided grounds for him to grind against it. And grind he did.

His hips ground down onto the ex-archon’s fingers. The action drew a punched groan from the Iudex. As if taking that as his cue, Zhongli began to move his fingers. He pumped his fingers in at a slow pace, allowing Neuvillette the time to adjust. It’s what he needed, rushing something like this might lead to injuries and that would not be enjoyable for either party. Even so, it had the sovereign’s instincts discontent. He so desperately wanted to be full, a desire that could only be satiated by—

Neuvillette’s body jerked. The ex-archon’s shirt donned new tears from his claws. His thoughts scrambled and scattered. His chest stuttered. Pleasure smouldered hot in his gut. His eyes met Zhongli’s in confusion and the smirk that greeted it only furthered it. “It seems your phallus has finally decided to join us,” Neuvillette’s brows furrowed. He pushed himself up to gaze down to his crotch and his eyes widened.

This was by no means his first cycle but due to the large gap between his last cycle and the present, certain details were most definitely fuzzy (memory recall while in the throes of a blinding fever and sexual desire was not one of his strong suits.) One said detail is apparently the sight of his own genitalia. His penis emerged from within his vent and was less of the traditional shape and more like a tendril. Wider at the base and petering off to a point. However, the most surprising fact was its iridescent blue hue and the blue-tinged fluid that slowly dribbled from its opening on the tip.

Neuvillette flushed further (he was sure his neck was red enough to rival a cherry) as Zhongli tentatively brought his hand to cradle the drooling appendage. Neuvillette bucked at the touch, sensitivity ablaze and a haze descending further onto his mind. “Please–” begged the sovereign with another buck of his hips.

“Of course, dear Iudex,” murmured Zhongli as he moved to place a kiss on Neuvillette’s length. A shiver ran Neuvillette at the action and he could whimper as Zhongli’s fingers continued working his vent open, crooking and pumping. Those fingers working their magic along with the line of kisses that Zhongli trailed along his length had Neuvillette squirming, sheets crumpling around him. The pleasure was surmounting and he panted heavily as that spring wound itself tighter and tighter.

“Zhongli–” A breathy moan was wrung from him,” I’m- I…I need, I’m- close, so close.” His hips twitched wildly, aching to get away from the overwhelming pleasure but so desperately craving each drop of ecstasy that the ex-archon would grant him.

“That’s right my sovereign-” Zhongli’s voice dropped a pitch as he brought his free hand to thumb at the hydro symbol. The extra source of stimulation was his tipping point. “Let go.”

His hands scrambled to root themselves in the ex-archon’s hair as that spring snapped. His vision went dotted out with white and his back arched obscenely off the bed. He was sure that he was blabbering something as he felt his throat trembling but he was deaf to his own words as his ears rung. He felt pure bliss. That desire, that want that lingered and festered inside him was temporarily staunched.

He did not know for how long he was blissed out, floating in nirvana; But when he blinked his vision clear he was greeted by the sight of Zhongli smiling fondly at him while repetitively raking his fingers through his scalp. Neuvillette leaned further into the touch, a much-needed grounding point as he came down from his high. “Back with me Neuvilette?” Zhongli’s hand moved to caress his face.

“Mmm…” was his response as he scrutinised the other’s face. Zhongli’s lips were glistening, which was to be expected due to the activities they had partook in minutes prior. What puzzled him was the blue sheen that tinted them. The only thing that he recalled having that– oh. The ex-archon licked his lips as if knowing what thoughts were bustling in Neuvillette’s head. The Iudex flushed. Zhongli had swallowed his spend…the images that said thought conjured up were hot. He would be fibbing if he claimed that heat was not rushing to his groin.

Nevertheless, he rid himself of those thoughts and moved to push himself up. “I…feel better?” The funeral consultant hummed, hands undoing his buttons and shedding his thoroughly ruined shirt.

“Your needs have been met, temporarily at least. So you’ve been rewarded with some downtime—a refractory period of sorts.” Neuvillette nodded at this information. Truth be told, it would be expected. As much as his biology demands copulation it would not wring him to the bone. Even so, he felt so lost when it came to the doings of his own body. He is like a fish out of water until he regains his full authority. Despite living amongst humans all his life he was daft when it came to their practices. Despite being born a sovereign he knew nothing of himself, nothing of dragons. He had to rely on another to fill him in on details he should know. Details he was ignorant of simply because he could not remember, could not recall his previous existence. Something so standard for his kind was something that he lacked. Even assuming that he would be complete if he regained his authority was a stretch. There was so much he didn’t know.

The cool texture of a tail wrapping around his own startled him from his thoughts. “To what do we owe this downpour Neuvillette?” Zhongli had padded his way over to the tall window adorning his room. Sure enough, rain was beating softly on the pane of glass. The observation made him frown. His volatile emotions always seem to inconvenience the people of Fontaine. Should he get too emotional Fontainians would fear leaving their abodes without an umbrella. Yet when he decides to keep his emotions under lock and key he is cited as an unfeeling stone wall of a person. He had lived amongst them for centuries and yet he still could not please them. It was frustrating, to say the least.

“Hydro dragon, hydro dragon…” Zhongli turned to face him. “...what wounds your heart so?”

Neuvillette's brows furrowed. He was far too used to his title being uttered along with the children's rhyme that the lack of a ‘don’t cry’ tailing the end of the ex-archon’s words puzzled him for a moment. Infrequent was the query of ‘why’ he cried, most pleaded his tears just stop. He supposes their source was not of the people’s concern.

“I…I don't know–” He paused, letting his thoughts gather into something coherent. “I don’t know who I am. Too draconic to be human. Too human to be a full-fledged dragon. I can please no one,” his hands played with a stray strand of his hair. “What am I to do?” his gaze landed on Zhongli. Was his answer satisfactory?

“Simple, nothing,” Zhongli returned to Neuvillette’s side. “You’re under no obligation to please others.”

“...As the Chief Justice, my duty–” the ex-archon shushed him.

“–your duty is to provide absolute judgment, not to please each citizen. That is an impossible task. There’s always going to be some person displeased.” Zhongli grasped Neuvillette’s face gently, forcing the other to look at him. “Since you’re unsure of yourself, focus on pleasing yourself first. Only you can determine where you belong. Figure out what you want. ”

Even though the man’s words were not an innuendo Neuvillette still felt warmth rushing south. “What do I want?... I don’t know…” Zhongli leaned closer, a hair’s width away from touching.

“That is alright. You have time to figure it out,” Zhongli hummed, a gentle smile on his face. Something within the sovereign rumbled at the sentiment. To know that there was someone who cared, someone who was patient for him, it left him feeling…fuzzy of sorts, content. For the first period in his life, he was not alone. It was true that he was surrounded day after day by Fontaine’s citizens, Lady Furina, the occasional visit from the Duke, but they all saw him only as the Cheif Justice, the Iudex (and a dear confidant in Lady Furina’s case). Even his dear Melusines, beings he cherished with his whole heart, could not fill the hole in his heart that yearned for more, a different type of companionship.

His instincts crooned at the thought that Zhongli could be the one to satiate his desire for companionship, for a mate— Neuvillette stilled at the thought. Mate? Had he really just thought of Zhongli as his mate? His face flushed and more warmth rushed down to his core. That warmth smouldered and churned becoming something molten, re-igniting itself to fester. It did not remain centred in his core, no, it branched out, webbed itself throughout his body, and brought its heat with it. He felt so warm. All coherent thoughts dissolved into a mess, any attempts at thinking became equivalent to trudging through a pool of molasses. The sudden onset of ailments had him panting for reprieve.

“Zhon-” Neuvillette faltered, his vision swam and swayed dangerously close to toppling off the bed. Only the quick motion of the other’s hands prevented him from ending up sprawled out on the floor. His hands flew to grasp Zhongli as his muscles spasmed and contracted. Pain ricocheted through him as his walls clenched wantonly around nothing. A strangled whimper scrambled from his lips as slick dripped from his vent, most definitely staining the sheets. He gasped Zhongli’s name as another wave of cramps rolled through him leaving tears pooling behind his eyes.

“I am here, I hear you Neuvillette,” murmured the ex-archon, hands cradling Neuvillette’s face.

“I ache, I burn, I hunger-” a groan sounded from him as his walls fluttered,”-Zhongli, Morax, help me.” Zhongli’s pupils dilated and his horns hummed.

“Tell me, Neuvillette, Chief Justice, Iudex, Hydro Sovereign, what do you hunger for?” Purred the other dragon, breath fanning Neuvillette’s lips.

“You, all you can give me, all-” a rush of slick elicited a whine,”-all you will permit to me.” Zhongli nodded, sealing their lips together, licking into his mouth. He bent Neuvillette back into the bed, laying the other flat without breaking their kiss. Another bout of cramps bit into his muscles, squeezing a whimper from him which was swallowed by Zhongli.

His hands sneaked down to Neuvillette’s vent, fingers circling the opening. Neuvillette broke the kiss with a low growl, urging the other not to dilly-dally. Zhongli chuckled and sank two fingers into the hydro dragon’s vent. It greedily swallowed them down to the knuckles. The squelching sound that accompanied it was downright obscene but Neuvillette was far past the point of caring, pleasure at the forefront of his instinct-driven mind.

Those fingers crooked and moved as if searching for something. Neuvillette quivered as those fingers brushed against a bundle of nerves, sending jolts of pleasure racing up his spine. The pleasure was addicting, like a jar of honey slowly being drip-fed onto his tongue. It bred contentness. But he did not want to just be content, he wanted to be drowned in that pleasure till it was all he could think about.

“It’s not enough,” he slurred, hips grinding down as those fingers worked him open once more.

“Mm,” hummed Zhongli, quickly shuffling his pants and boxers off (how he did so without breaking the kiss was a mystery Neuvillette could care less to solve.) When Zhongli removed his fingers Neuvillette could not help but whine at the loss, walls clenching in mourning.

“Hush yourself,” Zhongli broke the kiss, anchoring his hands under Neuvillette’s hips. “Flip over. It will be much more pleasurable if you do.” Neuvillette stilled for a moment. To prostrate himself like that, the thought fed into his embarrassment. But his embarrassment was all but a piece of lint on his mountain of lust. He hesitated not a moment longer and carefully flipped himself over with the aide of Zhongli. A pillow was propped under his hips, allowing him to take some weight off his arms.

Zhongli ran his fingers from Neuvillette’s nape to the small of his back, stopping at the base of his tail. Said appendage coiled itself around Zhongli’s. “Ready?” Neuvillette answered with an impatient rock of his hips.

When Zhongli’s tip brushed his vent he stilled. In all their letters they had never discussed each other’s genitalia in detail, just enough to determine Neuvillette’s sex situation. That being said he’d never imagined what the ex-archon could be, for lack of a better word, packing. There were assumptions, yes, especially entering the throes of his cycle. He’s assumed that the man was not tiny by any means, average most definitely, maybe a little above average. He was wrong. Very wrong. Zhongli was big, very big. Neuvillette had half a mind to worry that the other might not fit, but…something primal within him knew it would fit, and sure as hell would try its hardest to ensure it did.

“I’ll go slow,” murmured the other, voice low and focused. Neuvillette nodded.

Zhongli inched forward. Neuvillette felt the burn, his vent stretching to accommodate the new presence. Heat pooled behind his eyes as the length crawled further. Each millimetre it claimed sent pain fluttering along his nerves. Yet, each modicum that it claimed nurtured pleasure within him. The two sensations slowly bloomed, but the pleasure festered greater. A moan rolled from his throat as pleasure fully overtook pain.

Zhongli’s hips bucked shallowly, pushing him even further. Neuvillette let out a surprised yelp that dissolved into a whimper. “ ‘m sorry,” husked Zhongli. Neuvillette felt more slick dribble out of him. Zhongli’s co*ck was ridged. Firm protrusions that hugged his walls so deliciously.

“Mm,” was all Neuvillette could respond with, his mind too busy with relishing the feeling of Zhongli inside of him. His body hungrily devoured each inch of Zhongli, those ridges devotedly aiding him.

“A little bit more…I…I apologise in advance Neuv,” Zhongli promptly rolled his hips further, sheathing himself within Neuvillette in one fell swoop. Neuvillette shuddered through a moan, mind hazy. He was confident that Zhongli’s length was firmly nestled against that little bundle of nerves the other had found earlier. Each minute twitch of Zhongli’s hips had Nruvillette gasping, pleasure lighting up his veins.

His words came out as a bumbling mess, mind too busy floating on cloud nine to bother making clear diction anything but a passing afterthought. His own co*ck drooled pre-cum, for sure staining the poor pillow under his hips. His arms trembled with the effort to keep himself up. He felt so full, it was nearly overwhelming and had him heady with desire. A growl emanated through the room, low and possessive. It took him far too long to realise that it had come not from him but from the ex-archon behind him. Zhongli leaned forward, plastering his front to Neuvillette’s back. His teeth gently nipped at his nape, whispering an apology.

“Instincts, greedy things they are, pardon mine?” Zhongli snaked an arm around Neuvillette, securing the other to him. His other arm bracketed the sovereign as it rooted itself on the bed. A shaky nod was all Neuvillette could manage. “Moving now,” Zhongli husked.

Zhongli rutted his hips forward and Neuvillette saw stars. His arms gave out and he found his cheek pressed against the bed. His hips were only held up by Zhongli’s arm. His back bowed in a sinuous curve and…



He felt Zhongli’s length sink even deeper. He swore he felt the thing bump against his womb. A strangled mewl tore from his throat as pleasure raced along his nerves. If he had thought he felt undeniably full before then he was mistaken. He felt not just full, he felt stuffed to the brim, fully encompassed by the other. All he could think about was Zhongli and the co*ck that was nestled inside him. His pleasure burgeoned, like the first surges of a developing storm on the horizon.

Zhongli secured his fangs into Neuvillette’s nape, careful not to draw blood (deep down he wished he did), and surged forward with a slow measured thrust. He set a steady pace and Neuvillette was but a passenger in this experience, arms jello as they uselessly gripped at the sheets. Pleasure sparked along his spine with each drag of Zhongli’s co*ck over the little bundle of nerves. A high keening noise sounded from him as he felt the length bully against his womb. Neuvillette could feel his pleasure mounting, like a storm brewing upon the horizon.

Zhongli’s pace faltered, losing its fluidity, and dissolving into raw desire. His hips canting and rutting forward blindly. His breaths came out ragged and warm against Neuvillette’s skin. Neuvillette himself could barely muster a thought that wasn’t revolving around the co*ck stuffing him full.

“ ‘m close,” slurred Neuvillette. Zhongli’s pace only increased. His hips moved with near reckless abandon. “Mmmh-” sounded Neuvillette, nails ripping holes into the poor sheets as Zhongli’s tail writhed around his, driving him into even more sensitivity. His pleasure mounted and all at once it burst, like a bolt of lighting fraying his nerves, he tipped over the edge. If he had thought that his last release was groundbreaking then this one surely shifted tectonic plates.

His body trembled. His muscles seized and locked up as his vent rippled around the co*ck that bore into him. Those ridges were doing nothing but aiding in his pleasure. He was sure that he was mouthing something with the way his jaw opened and closed (most likely a moan in the shape of Zhongli’s name) but his head was too full with cotton to care. Any and all coherent thoughts long pulverised. The feeling of seed filling his vent only propelled him further into ecstasy, vision overtaken by white.

Neuvillette did not know how long he was floating for but when lucidity returned to him he found himself lying on his back. His limbs were comfortably numb and his mind felt bracketed by fluffiness. A soft fabric against his skin drew his eyes down to his chest. He was greeted by the sight of Zhongli using a damp towel to wipe up Neuvillette’s spend from his stomach.

“How are you feeling?” And what a good question it was. One that he struggled to answer. Sorting through his thoughts to form words that could construct themselves into coherent sentences proved to be a difficult task, one like trudging through syrup and honey. A hum of acknowledgement was all he could manage. Zhongli chuckled above him, discarding the towel somewhere nearby. “We will be fornicating a lot more over the next few days. Typically a cycle lasts around a week but seeing your predicament your cycle might last longer. Around a week and a half to two maybe.”

The prospect of being subjected to this blazing desire for near two weeks was horrifying to imagine. Being out for two weeks unexpectedly was not ideal for this season. They had an influx of cases and trials this time of year. He could not just disappear from work for some biological issues. He-

“Neuvillette, let your mind take the rest it deserves. Worry later,” Zhongli’s hand smoothened his hair and Neuvillette found himself leaning into that touch. “I can draft a letter explaining your future absence for the next three weeks. You can proofread it and give your signature. You could have one of your melusines deliver it to Sedene. But that is a task for later. For now, let your body rest. I will be here when you wake up.” Neuvillette could not deny such sound persuasion. Plus, he was feeling rather tired.

He conceded with a grumble and curled in on himself. He nestled into his tail, the thick appendage a comforting warmth to his spent body. His muscles were soothingly loose and his body went slack. Falling into slumber was easy for once. He did not resist the pull of unconsciousness. The last thought ruminating around his head was one spurred by his instincts. They crooned, claiming something absent. His mind slipped into peacefulness before he could ponder it.


Neuvillette’s heat left him positively exhausted. It had not lasted the entire duration of three weeks but rather a week and a half. But it was a rigorous and tortuous week and a half. It was more than long enough to run him to the bone so he gladly took the remainder of the three weeks to recuperate. Through it all Zhongli remained a constant. Aiding him with any difficulties he encountered immediately after his cycle. Often dropping by to keep Neuvillette company. Bringing along reading recommendations and water samples from Liyue with him. They entertained idle conversation as Neuvillette reviewed minor cases and signed documents (he could not in good conscience stay home and not do any work knowing how swamped the court was with cases). He profusely thanked Zhongli for his help, offering any type of repayment. Zhongli had declined with a laugh. Citing that knowing Neuvillette was alright as payment enough. (If Zhongli noticed the blood that rushed to Neuvillette’s face he did not mention it.)

Neuvillette grew used to the company. Idly expecting the other to appear on his doorstep as he always did. Today marked his last day away from work. Tomorrow morning he will donn his judicial robes and return to the court once more. He was mutely relieved. Working from the comfort of his home was soothing but he felt that his productivity was not at its optimum. Returning to his office would return his productivity to normal. A polite knock rapped against his front door. Neuvillette knew who it was before he heard the jingle of keys as they turned in the lock.

Zhongli stepped inside, toeing his shoes off as he shut the door behind him. Neuvillette looked up from the documents in his lap as Zhongli walked into the living room. “Good Afternoon, Neuv.” (Neuvillette did not know when they had moved to nicknames but he did not dislike it.) He nodded in acknowledgement, eyes zeroing in on a brown paper bag that hung from the funeral consultant’s arm.

“My apologies for my tardiness. I got caught up.”

“It is barely past four in the afternoon? You are not late?” The chuckle that slipped from Zhongli had Neuvillette tilting his head in confusion.

“I am late for the things I have planned.”

“And that is?”

“Neuvillette, are those papers you’re currently working on terribly important? Do they require your full and immediate attention?”

Neuvillette glanced at the papers spread on his lap. They were mostly reports of court proceedings and schedules for future court hearings. Truth be told, these ducuments were not required to be handed in for another two weeks minimum. He preferred to be on top of his work.

“No, I suppose not,” he gathered the papers and neatly set them down on the low coffee table in front of him. “Do you need me for something?”

“Yes, I have something to show you.” Neuvillette’s interest was peaked. “Put on a good pair of shoes, we have a ways to walk.” He shot Zhongli a deadpan look as he rose from the couch and padded over to the coat rack.

“You are aware that I return to work tomorrow morning, right?” he shrugged on a coat, its navy blue colour one Zhongli teased him for. His wardrobe was not entirely just shades of blue, blue just happened to be a colour he favoured.

“Which is exactly why I claimed myself late. The quicker we get there the quicker we can return.” Neuvillette hummed.

He padded to the front door and slipped on a brown pair of leather shoes. Stepping out into the cool afternoon air was refreshing. The jingling of keys behind him and the click of the lock confirmed that Zhongli had locked the door. Zhongli ended up carrying Neuvillette’s keys most often because Neuvillette did not find himself leaving his home mostly due to his cycle and partially due to his preference to remain home while he recuperated. Zhongli was the one travelling back and forth from the house the most, due to him venturing out to purchase groceries and other necessities to keep Neuvillette going. He trusted Zhongli not to accidentally lead any journalists to his abode,

His house was tucked away at the end of a street, a respectable unassuming townhouse. Typically Neuvillette would be averse to the idea of leaving his house as dressed down as he was. Especially, seeing how he was travelling with another. Journalists were a nosey bunch and he’d prefer not to have his friend get caught up in some gossip they would most definitely cook up. But alas, he did not find it in himself to mind all that much today. It was about the time when citizens would get off from their jobs and be on their way home. Most would be far too preoccupied and exhausted from the day’s work to take notice of the Chief Justice strolling the streets. He looked like any unassuming resident. Or as unassuming as someone like him could look.

His neighbours were the more elderly. They were respectful people who found no need to spread gossip about the Iudex.

The walk was soothing as Zhongli led him to the aquabus main station. They indulged in idle conversation, topics drifting from current cases to flower preferences. The conversation was comfortable, Neuvillette found himself smiling as Zhongli prattled on in his ever-archaic ways. As they arrived at the main aquebus station they found it relatively sparse of people. It seemed luck was on their side. Boarding the Navia Line aquabus, they greeted Elphane and took a seat.

“Good afternoon Monsieur Neuvillette and Monsieur’s friend. I’m glad you appear to be in better health Monsieur.” Elphane nodded.

“Thank you Elphane, I’m doing much better thanks to the aide of my companion, Zhongli,” Nuevillette nodded his head to the aforementioned man beside him.

Elphane directed her attention to Zhongli, “Allow me to extend my gratitude to you Monsieur Zhongli. It brings me solace to know that you helped to nurse Monsieur Neuvillette back to health,” Elphane bowed her head slightly.

“No need, I was simply glad to help a friend out,” Elphane nodded and began her usual spiel of Fontaine’s sights as the aquabus departed. Zhongli engaged and actively exchanged great tourist sites from Liyue. The ride was comfortable and the small chatter from Zhongli and Elphane settled into a soothing buzz at the back of his mind. His eyes drifted over the landscape of Fontaine. Eyes tracing the mountains silhouetting the sky as the sun slowly dipped behind the horizon, allowing the warm orange to bleed into a soft blue. The ease he felt around Zhongli was one he didn’t know he lacked.

By the time the aquabus docked at Marcotte Station, the sun had snugly set below the horizon, night fast approaching They disembarked the aquabus and bid goodbye to Elphane. They walked through the station before abruptly breaking off from the main path. Cutting through foliage and woods.

“Just where are we heading?” Neuvillette inquired as he ducked under a low-hanging branch.

“Somewhere special.” This sounded much like a surprise. Neuvillette was not very fond of surprises. People jumping out and yelling in elation was not something he enjoyed. They walked in a comforting silence for several more minutes before coming upon a body of water, one he recognised.

“Loch Urania? What is special here?” Neuvillett’s eyes lingered on the large vortex of water suspended in the centre. Its oppressive atmosphere used to emit strong winds, though, now it lay calm and undisturbed. He had an inkling of suspicion that this was some result of the traveller poking around the region.

“No, it is just a little farther north of here,” nudged Zhongli, keeping them walking. A pair of birds zipped past above them, chirping sweet tunes that soothed his ears. This experience was a balm to his nerves. It truly highlighted how little he tended to get out of the court. It would probably do wonders for his daily levels of stress. Though, with the influx of cases he doubted he’d be able to do so anytime soon.

They came to a halt in front of the face of a mountain. “Is this your special place?” The face of the cliff was…normal. There was nothing that was out of the ordinary. At most, you could say the ledge halfway up the face was interesting to gawk at. He turned to Zhongli, brows furrowed. The funeral consultant chuckled at him and interlocked their hands, leading him closer to the cliff.

Zhongli raised his hand, an orange glow emanating from his palm. Neuvillette felt the ground beneath them tremble before it rose from its place in the earth, bringing them to the height of the ledge. Zhongli stepped off and he followed suit. The platform they were on sunk back down to the earth and nestled into the hole it originated. A crack running along its edge was the only evidence it moved. Zhongli raised his hand to the cliff, the same orange glow blooming to life. It sunk into the stone, branching into it like veins, the orange hue pulsed as the stone slowed receded and rolled out of the way, revealing a fairly large passageway.

“Come,” prompted Zhongli as he padded into the passageway. Neuvillette fell in line behid him. Vines sprawled across the ceiling and walls, embedding themself snuggly into various holes and cracks. Luminescent moss dotted the walls, gladly taking up any spots untouched by the vines. The moss stretched to the ground, slowly spreading further down the passageway. It winded around clumps of mushrooms, various species he’s rarely seen proudly stood. Neuvillette felt the humidity climb as they ventured farther. The passageway dipped and turned into a gradual descent. Soon it opened up into a large cavern and Neuvillette could only stare in amazement at the sight that greeted him.

The roof of the cavern climbed to converge at one point. Its centre bore a natural skylight, one created by interlocking roots of what must be several trees. Several holes allowed for the evening light to filter in and the occasional songbird if it wished. His eyes trailed down the walls, vines and ivy scattered among them as they guided his eyes further down. The cavern floor housed a pool of water that shimmered in a crystalline blue hue. The remarkably clear water allowed him to spy several small frogs, fish, and eels darting between water flora. There were probably more creatures to be spotted but his eyes focused on the signature purple-blue skin of his favoured lumitoiles. Many lounged within the shallows while some basked on the flat rock shoreline. That shoreline spanned only a few feet before being buffeted by grass that looked ever so sot. The view left Neuvillette speechless.

“I found this cenote a handful of days ago,” Neuvillette co*cked his head at Zhongli as the man descended into the cenote.

“How?” Zhongli traced a hand on the cavern wall as he walked. Neuvillette trailed behind him.

“It was simple. I used geo resonance and weak seismic waves to examine the earth. I searched for areas where pockets formed and tunnelled to each one I found until I came across this. I made some minor changes to the cavern but it still remains mostly how I found it,” Zhongli chuckled as the confusion on Neuvillette’s face grew even more.

“But, why?”

“Among dragons, it is tradition for one to create something of value to gift to the one they wish to court. If the gift is accepted and in return, a gift given from the recipient then both parties have agreed to properly court,” Zhongli turned to face him, a soft blush colouring his cheeks,” Iudex of Fontaine, Hydro Sovereign, Neuvillette, this is my gift to you.”

Neuvillette froze in his step, face most definitely flushed. This cavern, cenote, it was a gift for… him? Zhongli wished to court him? Why? What did Neuvillette offer that any other partner would not? His instincts crooned and now he understood why. They ached for Zhongli. At first, he thought it was just due to his cycle. He thought those feelings would cease once his cycle did. They did not. They only became more comfortable the more Zhongli lingered. His heart felt more whole with the other by his side. But…

“What of Guizhong? Was she not the one who your heart held dear? I would not want to replace her.” Zhongli shook his head, pacing closer to Neuvillette.

“You would not replace Guizhong, no one ever could. Do not think of yourself as a mere replacement. You are two different people. Guizhong is a past love of mine, one I will never forget, but someone of the past nevertheless. She will never come back, I cannot remain tethered to the past forever.

I will cherish her memory, yes. But I must move on. I’ve decided to pursue a partner once more. And you, my friend, are the one I’m choosing.” Neuvillette remained speechless. He did not know what to say. What should he say?

Did he love Zhongli?

“Zhongli…I– I am unsure…I do not know,” shame riddled his thoughts. Zhongli had gone out of his way to aide Neuvillette with his cycle, did he not owe him something? Even so…

Zhongli smiled,” I do not require your answer now Neuvillette. Whether you accept or decline it does not matter, I will remain your friend. I can wait for your response, for time is something we both share.”

Neuvillette felt warmth build behind his eyes (he seemed to be shedding more tears as of late).

“Okay,” a small smile played on his lips.

“Let us put that thought behind us. I brought you here to relax.” Zhongli took Neuvillette’s hand in his, leading the other to the water’s edge. Neuvillette swiftly removed his socks and shoes, moving to stand ankle-deep in the water. It has been far too long since he was in proper contact with water. A shuffling behind him drew his attention to Zhongli.

The other held out that brown paper bag. Neuvillette tentatively took it, he had been curious of what it contained. He slipped his fingers into the bag, tips brushing against something cool. He fished the object out. It was a simple piece of jewellery. A black chain hosted a pendant that Neuvilette could not tear his eyes from. An orange ore pulsed calmly, stripes texturing its form as it coalesced into a stalactite shape, just marginally duller. A geo symbol lay embedded in its centre. A serpentine dragon coiled around the ore, its body winding down the form as its head came to rest just before the peak of the pendant. The dragon was constructed of a blue ore that shimmered softly as moonlight danced along it.

“Cor Lapis and Noctilucous Jade is what I carved it out of,” Neuvillette raised the pendant to the sky, allowing more of the moonlight to catch on it.

“How?” Fundamentally it was a foolish question. The man was the archon who presided over the element of geo. Surely manipulating ores was more than within his playing field. Even so, to construct something so small and delicate?

“That was attempt number twelve. Cor Lapis is hard but brittle. The Noctulous Jade is more study but obtaining samples of it this far-flung from Liyue was challenging. I had to hone my skills on a mineral of a similar composition. Every shard of the Jade was precious. Nevertheless, I persevered, and this is my final result.” Neuvillett’s mouth fell open in admiration.

“Is this…another courting gift?”

“Not exactly per se. As you know, my leave ends in a day so I infused the cor lapis with my geo signature. Allowing you permanent access to the cenote. The piece of earth we used to ascend as well as the door were also infused with my signature. They will only react to the signature I placed inside the cor lapis.”

Neuvilletted had let Zhongli’s impending departure slip his mind. He smiled to himself, Zhongli had gone through an effort to make this place private from others just for him. He bent down and fastened the jewellery around his ankle. It could remain hidden without any busybodies questioning him of its origin.

“That is for future use of the cenote. Let us indulge in cenote now. I widened it to be large enough,” said Zhongli.

“Large enough for what?” Neuvillette soon found his answer. The funeral consultant swiftly shedded layers of his clothing, leaving him in his boxers. Habit had Neuvillette turning to look away but he belated realised that he had already seen it all. His mind soon forgot that thought as hickory scales crawled up Zhongli’s arm. Scales bloomed under his eyes and his pupils constricted into slits. Those honey-hued horns sprouted from his head once more and that thick tail lashed against the ground.

Neuvillette blinked. Where Zhongli once was stood a dragon. His draconic form. Those dark scales fully encompassed his form, leaving lighter scales to line his underside. Golden spines ran from his head to the tip of the tail. He possessed a bushy mane of walnut-coloured fur. His size could not be understated. Neuvillette was sure that Zhongli’s head was as large as Neuvillette at full height. Those eyes bore into him and trill echoed throughout the chamber.

He belatedly realised that he understood the meaning behind the sound. Well, partially.

You now?


Did Zhongli wish to see his own draconic form? Neuvillette could not quite recall the last time he’d shifted. In fact, he had probably transformed into his draconic form three or four times in his life. It would be refreshing to do so, wouldn't it?

He shrugged off his coat, carefully folded it, and placed it on the grass. His shirt was the next to go, followed by his trousers.

Neuvillette exhaled and let his eyes slip closed. He peered deep into himself, to where his instincts lurked. He allowed himself to sink deeper into them, allowed them to envelope him, to shape his body. Mold it to their desire. He could feel his teeth lengthening. Nails sharpening into claws. Scales propagating around his skin. He exhaled and his tongue flickered out, tasting the air around them. He could sense each essence of hydro in the pool, even in the air. It was all so much clearer. As it should be.

He opened his eyes and found himself taller than before. He was now level with Zhongli. A rumble sounded from the other dragon.


Neuvillette was thankful that he no longer held the face of a human. He was not good with compliments.

He shuffled over to the water. Nearby fish and eels scattered at his presence. He peered at the water’s surface and what looked back was indeed…beautiful, ethereal almost. His snout was covered in scales white as snow. His rhinophores were longer and took on a partially transparent appearance. Fins sprouted just behind his jaw and donned the same blue as his rhinophores. A thin membrane-like protrusion lay on his head and most likely spanned the entire length of his spine. His claws were a deep cerulean blue and he could swear they faintly glowed.

A snout nudged him before pushing past and strolling into the water. Neuvilette snorted and followed after Zhongli.

The pool was deep enough for him to submerge most of his body and it was refreshing. Neuvillette felt sleepy just lounging in the water. The direct contact with hydro after so long spent cooped up…it felt right. He could feel each droplet tremble in his presence as if aching to bow before him, to bend to his will.

Zhongli returned to Neuvilllette’s side (Neuvillette was following initially wasn’t he?) and nuzzled against his face.

Sleep, hydro dragon. I will awaken you before midnight.

A crooning echoed throughout the chamber as it carried those words. Neuvillette felt to protest but how could he when Zhongli began to purr? (When had he laid beside him?) Neuvillette reflexively nestled into Zhongli’s form. The warmth emitted from the other lulled him further into rest.

He valued Zhongli’s company. He treasured him as a dear friend. But did he love him? Though he supposes Zhongli is right, he had time to figure it out.


Court of Dragons - BoringLab - 原神 (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.