The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont (2024)

at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.P. EAST FRANKLIN Then Came Disaster 10 Tit iurlingten ft trtt Wtdnawlay, Oct. 9, 1957 Mrs.

Agatha Hance entertained GMrdeIand Mrs. Robert" Bamum -j t.iMn North Hero were at a party Thursday. SUpper guests at WMr. Mrs. Alda Wakcman of Barton and Mrs.

w.w. puuwu is visiting relatives here. Mr. Jericho Ctr. Church Supper and Benefit Little Rock School Head Saw Three Years' Work Blasted The Communist Party was declared illegal in Argentina to and Mrs.

Reuben wanzer ana iwo daughters of Fairfield spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hance. 1936. To Be Held Thursday JERICHO CENTER The an Mr.

Fletcher. Mr. ana nual chicken pie supper will be Mrs. Homer Baker of Riemora were callers at the D.A. King served ar the church at Jericho the sense -that nine Negro chil schools in Little Rock and archi hnmA Thursday evening.

dren, under guard, are sitting in tect of the "Little Rock Plan" de classes in the school, 1 1 I vV i aMSMMMMlMMMSMIM WM Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Hanna of Highgate were callers on Sunday signed to integrate its schools. But in the process, a fine com I. He worked on it for three years, munity has been wounded to the inching carefully toward a solu who may nave nan tion of the tbousand-and-one prob Center beginning at 5:30 Thursday night The fancy work and the jama and vegetables, also the parcel post packages will be at Nealy's store near the church.

Personals Miss Helen Hyde and Mrs. Pauline Dustin spent the weekend in Royaiton. They returned Sunday night: accompanied by Mrs. Frank Hyde The ladies of the First Editor's Bote For a time. It looked as integration was com tag to Little Rack quietly and peacefully.

Then what kappea-d? What turned a friendly Southern city into a sceae of vi, fence? A reporter who saw the saddest switch explains what led to it in this second of a series of articles'. By RELMAN MORIN no pronounced about inte lems. It was the hardest job of his life. Two months ago, he gration before, now nave taken sides. Deep emotion has welled INSURANCE Of All Types T.

S. PECK Agency Experience Safety Service 162 College SU Dial 4-457S thought he had it licked. up. Then came disaster. HI-FI Record Changer ft Turntables Garrard, Mlracord, Collar AM FM Radio Amplifiers Pilot, Srgent-Ryment, Madt ion Fielding, BeU, Eico, Msca Complete Spanker lines Goodmans, Loremt, Atlas Cabinart Cabinets and Westphal Speaker enclosures Mall orders promptly and Intelligently fUied.

GILLENS DEPT. STORE Morrisville, Vermont Phone TUcker 8-2296 Hence, Blossom's plan a long- On the night of Sept. 2, the night range plan is certain to encoun before Central High School re ter resistance he thought had been Congregational Church were guests opened for the fall term. Gov. Or- LITTLE ROCK, Oct.

8 dispelled. val Faubus suddenly put National Virgil Blossom is a big man. A more thoroughly angry, har of the Fellowship in Richmond Monday evening. Vern Woodard is a surgical pa He stands 6-feet-3, weighs 250 assed and sorrowing man than Vir Guardsmen around the nigh school. His orders Keep out Ne pounds, is a former director of gil T.

Blossom would be bard to groes. tient in the DeGoesbriand Memorial Hospital in Burlington. He en PHIL'S JUNCTION See Our New Line of VAN HEUSEN DRESS end SPORT SHIRTS 5.00 athletics. He will be 51 this month. find today.

SAMPLE HADASSAH KNITTING BOX, similar to that presented each member, Is inspected by newly installed Hadassah officers at Ohavi Zedek Synagogue. From left, Mrs. Jack Pearl, treasurer; Mrs. David Doniger, recording secretary; Mrs. Shimon Frost, president; Mrs.

Sam' Epstein, vice president. Other officers installed, vice presidents, Mrs. H. Pasackow and Mrs. S.

Isenstein; financial secretary, Mrs. D. Friedman. Meeting featured talk, by Charles Siege! on his, year in Israel, illustrated by color The "Little Rock Plan" went up He is married and has two daugh Blossom is superintendent of tered the hospital Oct. 3.

ters. Bene Sue, 19, and Gail, 16. the chimney. Steel in Rulings He was born in Brookfield, Mo. What's more, it may never be The Capitol Citizens Council, hard-core segregationist organiza salvaged.

First, the federal courts Call Merrie Bell. 33-444 plied for permission to enteV the tion, likes to harp on the fact that overwhelmingly wmte central tiign Brookfield is "right next, to the Craft School In Shelburne OLD FURNITURE answered Faubus. Then, President Eisenhower put steel in their rulings by the order that has brought federal troops to Arkansas. School. Iowa line.

This, in their reason- ing, makes a "Yankee," "I've always said the majority World and National Briefs in PLUMBING and HEATING SHEET METAL WORK For sales and service you can depend on. always call JV S. Lanou and Sonl Quality products expertly installed and serviced tor nearly ball century of continuous service la the Burlington area. F. S.

LANOU SON 97-99 College Si, Wot 4-7483 lurlington, VI. integration nas taken place, of people do not went integration," Blossom Fights BECOMES NEW I and RESTYLED to Match Blossom pays no attention. He's says Blossom. "But our job on the school board is to comply with the law as set forth by the Supreme a stubborn tigmer. With candid pride, he says of Has Openings SHELBURNE, 8-Several vacancies still remain' in the pottery and silversmithing classes at Shelburne Craft School, says the Court." i xvf 7 ST.

CATHERINES, Ont, Oct, 8 the plan he devised: 1 1 The National Assn. for the Ad Your Room' end Other PIECES "It is airtight egauy. It pre vancement of Colored People twice serves educational standards for -Canada's Governor General Vincent Massey has assured the Ontario Grape Growers' Marketing Board that Canadian wines all students. And it is designed to Rev. J.

Lynwood Smith, director. UATTRESS REIiOVATIO.tbT challenged the "Little Rock Plan' in the courts. The NAACP petition FACTORY TRAINED EXPERTS- maintain good community raa will be served to Queen Elizabeth ed for total integration, at once. tions. The making of personal -and gift items will be featured in II on her mid-October visit to Ot "We think its the best plan put in all grades.

Ruled Against NAACP tawa. There bad been a grapevine both classes. forward yet. The Parent-Teach report that she would have only ers Associations are ready to stand U.S. District Judge John The pottery division meets Tues F30VEKCHER FOnntTUftl Co.

276 North Ave. UN 3-3911 Open Daily 9 ie Except Satarday importea wines. up and be counted right now, Miller, ruling against the NAACP, day evenings from 7:30 to 10:30 "So it's certain to be advanced BSDBOCDQ approved the plan as it stood, GENEVA, Oct. 8 -The Inter for a ten-week period. in other communities in the South.

The Eighth Circuit Court of Ap Silversmithing will include the I. i peals upheld Miller and the school That's why the segregationists are fighting it so hard, It leaves them making of silver jewelry, gem set board. ting, and' enamelling both on sil national Labor Organization reports employers' contributions to compulsory social security and paid vacations represent about a third of the total wage costs in European industry. Required wage Meanwhile, there were rum with no valid arguments." The essentials of the plan are: ver ana copper. 0 NEVER BOUGHT FROM US? A Request For Our Wholesale Prices Is All Contractors Need To Qualify DO IT TODAY! The only place In the area where yon can buy any tile made from stock.

blings on the segregationist side, centers 7-Fixcc UOUYUOOD l. Phasing integration over an In the 1956 general elections, unspecified period of years. It be supplements range from 46 per they put three anti-integration acts gins with the high schools, then j. g-: In case of conflicting dates with the Lane Series programs the classes will be changed, said Father Smith. A large enrollment in wood on the ballot.

The proposals car applies to junior high schools, and cent in Yugolsavia to 11 per cent in Britain. ried by 56 per cent the state and finally the primary grades. by 52 per cent in miasm County, BELGRADE. Oct. 8 The of-l 2.

Scheduling it in terms of finances, facilities, and problems embracing Little Rock. (cop Your Hearing Loss However, last March, Henry working and painting classes -is reported. Weaving classes 'have one or two possible vacancies. ficial Yugoslav radio comments that the forthcoming visit of Soviet Marshal Zhukov is a gesture of reconciliation between the Rus Rath and Wayne Uptonrunning on an out-and-out integrationist that develop as the process moves forward. Unique Third Feature It has a unique third feature.

Lakes and rivers in Manitoba program were elected by almos! sian and Yugoslav armies. Reg. 49.95 a SECRET with Atcustkon's Amciir.g fto 6 2-1 majorities to the school board. annually produce a commercial fish catch worth more than six million dollars. One of the men defeated was Rob VIENNA, Oct.

8 ffl-Czechoslo-! ert Brown, president of the Cap ikia's 73 -year -old Communist itol Citizens Council. Any student, white or Negro, who by reason of his address would normally be assigned to a school where his race is in the minority, is permitted to go out of his district and enroll in one IIDI IMftTflN President Antonin Zapotocky 1 written a new book. This one The Little Rock Plan" is on the FRED NYE'S TEXACO SERVICE shelf. But Blossom says today: folklore for children. His other Immpriwr MtttrcM.

Bmc Serine, i vnkiiiu i uii 0)0 PAINT "Integration is here and I think books deal mainly with Red noli tics and history. AMI WftOd f. DNLT M.W it's here to stay. The court order must be obeyed. I believe it will CHICK YOUR MUFFIER? NO OBLIGATION FlMtfe Headboard.

DOWN If MEXICO CITY, Oct. 8 The all work out. Phone 4-6821 aftermath of the July 28 earth Bank So. Winooskl Others disagree. Tomorrow: Gov.

Faubus. for representative to call at your home. which has a majority of his race. The result was interesting. This fall, all 328 white students in the predominantly Negro area around Horace Mann High School elected to go to Central.

Vice versa, of the 200 Negroes in the Central High area, 191 chose Horace' Mann. Only the "Little Rock Nine" ap- quake is still felt here. Publishers of the Angelo-American Directory, and" Wollpaper Co. Inc. 181 NORTH ST.

Next to FRANK'S Economy Tel. VH 2-1095 Bold patterns and bright colors listing North American and British distinguish the work of women residents and firms, are putting I oiks) I I m-IKro3SB5 I weavers, kmtters and embroider this is ALL there out a supplement to the regular ers in Norway. 1957-58 edition giving new ad- ss and phone numbers of 184 Bank Burlington, quaked-out abodes. MUFFLERS MMM $33 Collected For Blind Drive In Underfill! is ALL you wear. NO RECEIVERS! NOTUDES! NO WIRES! NO MOLDS! NOTHING IN EITHER EAR! All Yourt In A Stunning Eye Glass Frame asH.mii mi i UNDERBILL Mrs.

Lloyd Woodward, chairman of the drive for the Association for the Blind, reports that to date $33 has been received. Contributions may be mailed to Mrs. Woodward. PRA Executives Meet The executive committee of thei Acowsticon's Amaiing New "Mystery-Ear" Keepi Your Secret. Perfect for moderate hearing loss astonishing for those with conductive loss.

PTA of the Incorporated District held a business meeting lost week to discuss plans for the year. Personals Mrs. E.W. Fay and grandsons. w.

niiniRKm '34 Klmweod Av Burlinttoa, Vt. ria mhS HU boektat "Kuiftvt Daniel and Patrick, were callers HAZEL N. NELSON Monday of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert IB 'w fnwm ton a iwmi. I Mm.

ray. Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Gallup, ac UVJ jS aitelferi 3 3 companied by Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Simpson, drove S'inday to Little ton, N.H., and called on Simpson's sister in Oxford, N.H. Neal Wright is on vacation visit ing friends. Use Our Easy Lay-Away Man! Mr. and Mrs.

Sidney Norton of Hartford, Conn. were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mead at Meadholm. and Mrs. Roy! Keuey had a family gathering at their home recently.

and Mrs. William Lewis and sons of Watertown. wee recent its of Mr. and Mrs. Lvnford Lampnere.

Miss Doris Whitcomb. who has Fashion Tweeds 1495 to W5. been located in Schenectady. N.Y., witn tne ice cream company there has returned to the Burlington of fice where she Is employed as Mr. and Mrs.

waiter Holm will soon sell tlwir home and move to Connecticut. He was formerly em- pioyea oy uenerai iectnc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Metcau of Essex Junction were recent guests Mr.

and Mrs. Georze Hurlburt SIZES 7 TO) 14 Tweeds with textur-y "tips and downs' all styled with high fashion details. Knit collars, bock interest, others They fool old man winter with their sanitized rayon twill linings, wool Coma in today and sea the beautiful new fall colors these tweeds come in. ana Mr. and Mrs.

Euzene Met- calf. Grand Isle PTA -To Hear Missionary GRAND ISLE The regular meeting of the PTA will be held at the school Wednesday at p.m. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Stanley Fry who will show elides and tell of his work as a missionary in Brazil. ENOSBURG FALLS Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Squires were in Burlington recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Squires and Miles Wells were in Canada Saturday visiting friends of Mr.

Wells, Oct was his S7th Mr. and Mr. Charles squires yroa hzal savings ALL YEAR 'ROUND Famous Premium Quality BLUE SUNOCO 200 has the highest octane any whert at regular gas price You save as much as a gallon over other premiums. And new SUPER-PREMIUM BLUE SUNOCO 240 is the fuel specially made for highest compression cars. You save over costly "third-pump" premiums! ZcUTANE.PmMED FOR QUICKER STARTS Both outstanding BLUE SUNOCOfuels re butane-primed for quicker cold weather starts and faster warm-ups another example of Sun's constant endeavor to bring you the highest quality, as well as the greatest values, on the road today.

See your Sunoco dealer for quality and value all year 'round. V'roa FULL A to VINTER At any season of the year youll find Sunoco dealers anxious to pleasa you with the utmost in complete conscientious service. Bight now your Sunoco dealer is prepared to get your ear ready for the cold weather ahead. See him now for complete A to winter protection. were in St.

Albans Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Squires and ion of Manchester, N.H., called at Charles Squires' recently.

Knows the Job RACINE iAAlbert Baumann has been elected commander of the Bancroft Post of the Spanish American War Veteransthe same position he occupied 5 years ago when the post was originally char CHCICm TODAY FOR SUtJQCO 'S I'MJlffl SSffliCE!.

The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.