The Knoxville Journal from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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The Knoxville Journali

Knoxville, Tennessee

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Deniiis The Menace THE KNOXVILLE JOURNAL Friday September 1 6 1955 The Neighbors Apartment Is Like Tepee Lost tendant and reporters found his teepee And he even in the doghouse His wife expected him back until last night- Permission Sought By FRANK WASHINGTON Sept 15m Congressional investigators said today the mystery man in recent charges against top Internal Revenue Service officials was Harrell Vance assistant commissioner of internal revenue for administration However the congressional sources and others in the Treasury said all allegations against Vance a 36-year-old career civil servant had been extensively probed and had "all washed None of the officials would oe quoted by name Efforts to reach Vance for comment were unsuccessful The allegations came from Edgar Hoppe dismissed two years ago from his $14800 post as head of the Revenue inspection force which polices the service Hoppe has filed the suit in the US Court of Claims for $26823 back pay He charges he was fired for refusing to an unfavorable character report on a high Revenue Service official Hoppe did not name the official but his attorney John Witsil THE HAGUE Sept 15 Holland wants to go underground into West Germany The idea is to get more coal from the Princess Beatrix mine in Limburg province with a tunnel extending into Ger man territory Bonn permission is being sought MEMPHIS Sept 15 Once there was an off-trail Indian who argued not lost: Tepee Remember? Well Pfc Gaudet was in the same fix today The private-whose home town of Lutcher La was a good deal easier to get around in arrived early Tuesday with his wife and baby They found an apartment right away and Pfc Gaudet roared off to report in at the Memphis Naval Air Station Formalities over he started home But where was home? Trouble is there are an awful lot of greyish apartment in North Memphis The private and drove Finally he went back to the air station where he was given additional time off and Pfc Rushing to help in the search In despair Gaudet asked a newspaper to a story itnd tell my wife to call me (through the naval station) and tell me how to get Turned out it necessary Twenty-two hours after the search started Gaudet accompanied by Pfc Rushing a gas station at Cas Walker Says: The Reason For The LIQUOR TRAFFIC growing worse the past few months in Knoxville it is my opinion that this was a TRICK to get the people so disgusted that they would vote for legal liquor thought this would be a good place to stand while I tell you what my watch we have twenty seconds to kill before we start rushing like this REMODEL YOUR HOME dowa gagmens I I 7 art to ar aa remodeling New ream madernlia kltdiea msdernlie exterior with atone brick paint er aiding Interior with paneling eheet rock or plaster mederalaa bathroom new fleers iletkti closets Insulatien new roof now heating carport garage new electrical fixtures We do a or famish materials snip CaU or CALYON CO 1925 Brfwo Ph 3-0457 said in an interview Hoppe would name the mystery man when his suit came to trial Hoppe 47 who joined the tax collection service under the Hoover administration charged in his suit that were at the root of his dismissal a few months after the Eisenhower administration took over He said he was fired by direct order of Coleman Andrews the Virginia Democrat picked by President Eisenhower to head the Revenue Service and he also said Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey approved the ouster Humphrey said in a statement commenting on the suit that Hoppe actually was fired for incompetence Congressional quarters looking into charges said today the basis of about Vance was an anonymous letter in the possession of the Civil Service Commission These congressional sources as well as Treasury officials said the accusations against Vance have been investigated by three government agencies and that none of the accusations has been confirmed Censorship Of Epitaphs Hit HARROGATE England Sept 15 W) of is the slogan of Master Monumental Masons They are campaigning against what they call censorship of inscriptions on tombstones contending a person should have just the sort of epitaph he wants They charge some town councils have 40-word limits and one has a set of arbitrary fixed designs to choose from UN Membership UNITED NATIONS Sept 15 US) The Asian-African group here is backing a new campaign to have Celylon accepted for UN membership The bids in the past have met Soviet vetoes Birth Announcements For this legal liquor election that is coming up Tuesday Mr and Mrs Jerry Jonathan Thomas 3500 Valley View Road son David Mae-Swain Mr and Mrs Ernest Leonard Hardin 2426 Cecellia Avenue Maryville daughter Rebecca Kay Mr and Mrs Glen Curtis Beets 2018 Allor Avenue son Mark Alan Mr and Mrs Bernard Lee Waggoner Jr G03 West Hill Avenue daughter Mr and Mrs Richard Franklin Red-mon 2002 McCalla Avenue son Mr and Mrs Walter Ivin Whitaker Route 15 son Curtis Marvin Mr and Mrs Frank Patt Route 2 Powell daughter GENERAL HOSPITAL Mr and Mrs Alfred Dano 97S Wray Avenue daughter Mr and Mrs Hamy Cox 2500 Mitchell Street daughter Mr and Mrs Ernest Reno Route 8 daughter Mr and Mrs Wiley Oakley 132 Fort Sanders Avenue son Relieved Quickly With Fast-Acting Tablets or Powders Son Of Ex-Red Commissioned In Coast Guard NEW LONDON Conn Sept 15 Pierre Gaston 23 became a Coast Guard ensign yesterday at simple commissioning exercises here The commissioning had been held up for four months while authorities investigated the background of his mother alleged to have belonged to organizations on the subversive list At Washington yesterday the Coast Guard said Gaston would be given a commission dated as of April when he was graduated from the officer training school at the Coast Guard Academy Gaston had been serving since then as an apprentice seaman at Coast Guard headquarters His latest assignment is to report to the Humboldt weather sh*t at Boston on Oct 5 BAPTIST HOSPITAL Mr end Mr Henry Robert Lethe 1806 Wilder Place ton Gary Wayne Mr and Mrs Charles Edmund Schilling Rente 2 Dry Gap Pike daughter Mr and Mrs Emory Jefferson Green Jr 3308 Gary Road son Mr and Mrs William Lawrence Gregory Rente 10 daughter Deborah Joan Mr and Mrs Roger Leo Dunlap 804 Lindy Road daughter Rebecca Lynn Mr and Mrs Paul Bradley Hardy 1531 Marlon Street daughter Dee Ana ST HOSPITAL Mr and Mrs Ural Leonard Monroe Route A Harris Road son Kenneth Wade Mr and Mrs Thomas Joseph Slack Rent A Millertown Pike son Mr and Mrs James William Parry 5709 Oak Lane Fountain City son Timothy James Mr and Mrs Francis Raymond Johnson Rente 1 Luttrell ton Terry Fa-gene Mr and Mrt Clarence Otis McCarty 880? Fairmont Boulevard son Mr and Mrs Hubert Paris Sharp 8201 Easterland Road son Robert 'Jeffrey Mr and Mrs -Dewey Ellison Owens 418 Chieamauga Avenue daughter Laura Louise FORT SANDERS HOSPITAL Mr and Mrs John Howard Story 521 Carta Road son Mr and Mrs Charles Marvin Bogle 888 Gilbert Street Alcoa son Mr and Mrs William Robbins Route daughter Brenda Faye When you use for chd relief of headache neuralgic pains minor muscular aches or functional periodic pains you get the full reliefgiving effectiveness of not just one but several of the world's most popular pain-relieving ingredients In-combination as they are in these quick-dissolving fast-acting ingredients are remarkably effective more so than any one would be alone This is worth remembering when a headache strikes and you want relief and want it in a hurry Nowadays when you buy may have it in either tablet or powder form In both you get the aamo famous "BC' formula the tame fast relief You also get a preparation that has stood the test of one you can use with complete confidence And once you have used it we think you'll agree that there anything better or faster for headache relief Powders 1 Oc 2 5c Tablets 10c 25c and the economical family size bottles of 50 and 100 tablets Buy today has been planned for several months! IF EVERYBODY COULD HAVE SEEN THE HARM THAT HAS BEEN CAUSED FROM LIQUOR THAT I HAVE THEIR CONSCIENCE WOULD NOT LET THEM VOTE TO MAKE IT LEGAL! hard to think about voting for something and quaking it easier to get that will take food clothing and shelter from women and children There are a few good people favoring this legal liouor question just because they have NOT studied it through and studied the bad effects of liquor Practically ALL business people have a ruling against working people that drink Then you think to promote something that employes to drink EIGHT OF OUR STORES NEVER CLOSE about a business man voting he permit his own In my organization the Cas Walker Super Markets 357 strong we do NOT permit a single one of these employes to even have the smell of liquor on their breath before our customers while on duty ft ks If vv tJA V' I- ck i rii Then we conscientiously vote to promote or to encourage someone employes to drink liquor There is no business man that will give this legal liquor question a serious thought that will vote to make it easier for their employes to get liquor or to promote the drinking of liquor by their employes If you want to find out how quick housewives will lose respect for your business just let your employes start blowing their liquor breath in their face Your business will dry up like a Kansas cornfield with a Kansas hot wind blowing against it and this only takes about three days And I would say accordingly that a business run by drinking employes would last at the longest NOT more than three months y'T'iiViSOijr i A- Buick Sales inffey Al HERE IS A VERY UNFAIR THING that is being done by the legal liquor forces in this election: They are using two or three members of organized labor to speak for legal liquor and they are trying to make it look like that all members of organized labor are for legal liquor THIS IS VERY UNFAIR for this is NOT TRUE If a poll of members of organized labor could be taken in Knoxville a big majority of the members of organized labor will show that they are opposed to legal liquor THIS IS A MORAL ISSUE every man and woman of Knox County of voting age should study this question very carefully IT IS A QUESTION THAT NOBODY SHOULD HAVE TO TELL YOU HOW TO VOTE! We're Rolling Up the Biggest September Ever with the Greatest Deals in Buick History Buick's Bg Beautiful and Low-Priced Special look 4 doors and no center posts fiie pioneer of 4-cfoor hardtopsi) 1 955 Buick Special 4-Door 6-Passenger Riviera Model 43 1 88 hp 122-in wheelbase Buick's Peerless Performance Car the CEN TURY With Buick's highest power-to-weight ratio I) 1955 Buick Century 4-Door 6-Passenger Riviera Model 63 236 hp 122-in wheelbase I HAVE GIVEN THIS QUESTION A LOT OF SERIOUS THOUGHT and I have for the past many years been OPPOSED TO LIQUOR IN ANY SHAPE FORM OR FASHION AND I BELIEVE FIT TO MUCH LESS TO DRINK! Still many of my friends do drink BUT THERE IS NOT a single person living that has ever been opposed to liquor any more than I have! Some of the crowd for legal liquor I understand have got an the attack going against me the fact that I gave a man a drink of liquor way back during the time that I was in high school in Sevierville THIS HAS BEEN by Mayor Dempster and others that have opposed me for many years And I have NEVER denied it a record if anyone wants to check it at the courthouse in Sevierville My father paid the $100 fine and I never was arrested over the charge Stupendous Savings! Colossal Trades! AND PRESENTING FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE AT SUCH LOW PRICES -THOSE STERLING SPECTACULAR AND THRILLING PERFORMERS The 1955 Buiclcs! Come in and Name Your Deal on tho Brand-Now Buick You Want What crowds 1 What sales! What deals! No wonder the Buick Sales Circus is smashing every record in the book Come in and see our parade of dazzling beauties -hottest-performing cars on the brand-new Buicks all Series all models most colors Point out the one yearned then you crack the whip Tell us the deal you want Watch us deliver Bring in your old Dynaflow out in the best Buick of your dreams! Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today It is standard on Roadmaster optional at modest extra cost on other Series CP TO 234 EORSEP0WEH SPECTACULAR VARIABLE PITCH DTNAFLOW E0TTXST-L0GK1NS CAS CM TEE EOAD Buick's Super-Spacious Super Where you sit in the fop of luxury and love HI) 1955 Buick Super 2-Door 6-Passenger Convertible Model 56C 236 hp 127-in wheelbase Buick's Star of Stars the Car of Cars: ROADMASTtK 1955 Buick Roadmaster 2-Door 6-Passenger Riviera Model 76R 236 hp 127-in wheelbase Ciack the Whip in this celebration of our phenomenal sales success were really wheelin' AND i pealin'! And when the man was summoned by the Grand Jury through an old feud with my family I advised this man when he came and talked about it at the time (and this is in the record) to tell the TRUTH about it I understand that this has been dug back up even though it is about 37 years old YOU CAN START LOOKING FOR ALL KINDS OF VICIOUS ATTACKS TO BE USED AGAINST ME because I came out AGAINST legal liquor I have no quarrel with my friends that are for legal liquor I JUST CANNOT VOTE to promote its sale for I realize that I would be putting mv stamp of approval on something that has CAUSED MANY LITTLE CHILDREN TO GO HUNGRY and has been the cause of many homes to be broken up many crimes to be committed and has been the cause of many a drunken brawl and caused so many children to have to be raised in an institution or by someone other than their parents How in the world could anyone that knows me expect me to NOT be AGAINST liquor which has caused so much trouble? REMEMBER WHEN VOTING THE TOP LEVER IS FOR LIQUOR the second lever is AGAINST liquor And remember if you stay at home and do not vote you have no right to complain about the outcome of the election LET YOUR CONSCIENCE BE YOUR GUIDE AND VOTE TUESDAY The above column made possible by your purchases at the CAS WALKER SUPER MARKETS Knoxville and Mor-town Pol Adv mat trading who AND wooiy! high -FEY! wg gales mean low down PRICES Hurry Hurry Hurry to our Buick Sales Circus Enioy cooled filtered air for less than you think with AIRCONDITIONER It's a Genuine Frigidaire KNOXVILLE BUICK CO INC 517 NORTH CAY ST- KNOXVILLE PHONE 3-5171 AMOS ANDY BUICK CO 505 BROADWAY MARYVILLE PHONE 3000 7.

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The Knoxville Journal from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.